The Church Council
The Church Council is the leadership team for the life and ministry of our church. It is comprised of the chairpersons of the Administrative Committees (Trustees, Staff/Parish, Finance, Lay Leadership) and the Ministry Teams (Nurture, Outreach, Witness, and Worship). The Council primarily seeks first to discern God’s vision for our church, works to implement the vision through the goals set by the individual Committees and Teams to fulfill the vision, and then evaluates the outcomes. The Council also serves to set policies, monitor the budget, and provide guidance to ensure the continued vitality and growth of our church.
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the duly empowered body to execute contracts, bank loans, and all other legal matters on behalf of the church. The Board manages and maintains all assets and real property of the church. The Board members work to see to the proper maintenance and appearance of the facility and church grounds in support of the church’s life and ministries.
Committee on Lay Leadership Leadership in the local church is spiritual leadership. This Committee then seeks to identify and develop the leaders from within the congregation that God is calling to serve. The goal of this discernment process is to have the right person in the right role for the right reasons at the right time.